Guests at Heads of Media Meeting (September 2013) Print
Friday, 06 September 2013 00:00

Partnership for Transformation:

Christopher Zacca (Private Sector Organization of Jamaica)

Helene Davis-Whyte (Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions)

Mr. Zacca advised that representatives from civil society, trade unions, private sector and government met and produced a report outlining the conditions needed to sustain the development of the country through a successful social partnership.

Mrs. Davis-Whyte added that key sectors of the Jamaican economy were identified to form a Memorandum of Understanding  to determine how each sector would become profitable and viable through a partnership arrangement through the trade unions, private sector, the public and the government.  She said the issues being given priority were economic growth and fiscal consolidation; ease of doing business; commitments in terms of rule of law and order; and energy diversification and conservation.

Mr. Zacca said that transparency, consultations and accountability would be held at high regard and suggested that the public could be apprised of the progress via a partnership communiqué. Mrs. Davis-Whyte added that the Partnership Council would be issuing releases to update the public on the progress of the project.

Mr. Zacca explained that the importance of media would be to strike a note of positivity and to support harmony and partnership.  He called on the media to plan a strategy to communicate the tenets of the Partnership.